Live Calls Every Tuesday @7:30 PM Central ! All Lives Will Be Saved In The Class.

Rose Credit Academy :

Diy Credit Repair Course

W/ LIVE help from Rose

(See Results in 30 days or less)

LIVE (Zoom) classes EVERY Tuesday @7:30 PM Central ! All All Classes are Recorded.

See Results in just

-Learn How To Remove Late payments, Repo, Charge-offs, Inquiries and More.

-Learn How To Get High Limit Credit Cards

-Home Buying & Car Loans

-Business Credit Building in 90 day

(All letters and e-books included in the class)

LIVE (Zoom) class EVERY Tuesday @7:30 PM Central

(All Classes are Recorded.)

Rose will pull your credit report

 1 on 1:

going over your full credit report. You don’t have to do this alone!

learn how to read your credit report and dispute your accounts, I'll show you how to make your letters, and give credit builders to add to help boost your scores as well.

Exclusive Group Chat Community

EXCLUSIVE: Group Chat Community 

-Ask Questions in Real Time to get assistance from Rose.

-Share your results once the start rolling in and see how other students are improving their credit.

A SNEAK PEEK at the Course...

  Watch This First!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Start Your Credit Disputes : Month 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Month 2: When the Creditors Respond Whats NEXT?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Month 3: Start disputing With Creditor & Bureaus
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Month 4 Disputing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Month 5: Demanding Removal & File Complaint on Bureaus
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Building Business Credit & Funding
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resources About How Credit Works
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Your Instructor

Rose Brisby has been in the credit repair and finance management service industry for 7 years.

She became passionate about credit and finance when in her early 20's fixed her own credit to remove an eviction. She was frustrated with the hoops and obstacles you have to overcome to get information about credit. From that point, she became obsessed with helping her family and friends fix their own.

In a natural progression, she stepped away from her 9-5 and started Rose School of Credit.

Rose is a Board Certified Credit Consultant and Finance Specialist.


When does the course start?

You can enroll now. This is a self-paced course.

Weekly LIVE Credit Repair Class

Every Tuesday @7:30 Central

+ Q&A Sessions

Who is this course a good fit for?

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to take control of their credit, but also has the time and discipline to send out their own letters.

Do I have to do the entire course alone? What if I have questions?

You will not be going through this course alone. You will be invited to a private Facebook group, specifically for DIY students. You will receive live Q&As on our weekly scheduled Zoom meetings. You are able to post questions in the Facebook group doing the duration of the program. Note: You will not have access to any of the Rose's Credit Repair staff to ask questions (unless you attend the Zoom). All questions must submit In Comment Section or the Facebook group.

What items will this course help me remove?

With the Rose Credit, dispute strategy, we will show you dispute techniques to remove bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, and tax liens, and student loans.

How long does this course last?

We understand that everyone's credit journey differs. This course will last until you are satisfied with your credit score. You can cancel anytime.

Will I be billed monthly?

you will be charged $24.95 monthly, during the duration of the course. (No contracts , Cancel at Anytime.)

Do I have to show up at a specific time for the course?

No, you do not have to show up at a specific time. However, I do expect you to send out your dispute letters each month for the best results.

How long does it take to get my credit fixed?

You will see RESULTS in the first 30 Days .

it can take 3-6 months to clean eveything up . Each month you should see improvement as long as you're following all credit recommendations.

How long will it take before I see the results?

You will see RESULTS in the first 30 Days .

Results depend on the student and how effective they are with executing the resources and sending the available letters. The students who send out their letters sooner will receive quicker results.

What is the difference between the Rose's Credit School and signing up with Rose’s Credit Repair directly?

DIY students are responsible for sending out their own letters. This is the most affordable option. The monthly fee is $24.95 monthly.

DIY clients do not have 1:1 access to ROSE.


What if I am unhappy with the course?

You may cancel your subscription at any time.

What if I am a Previous Client?

Previous Rose’s Credit Repair clients are WELCOMED to take this course at any time! I teach you how to fix your credit like I would.

What other fee's will I be responsible for?

Besides your $24.95 monthly fee or the one-time enrollment, students are responsible for the cost of the envelope and postal stamps. We recommend a certified letter which is $3-4 per letter however certified letters are not required.MYFREESCORENOW.COM is a credit monitoring system that is $24.95 monthly which is also highly recommended but not required.

If I miss this course, can I take it the next time?

All Classes are RECORDED!

This is an ongoing class Every Tuesday @7:30 PM , You Also have FULL access to the self-paced, course at anytime.

Will I need a Computer, Laptop, or Printer to take this course?

A computer is not required.


to access the class from a phone or tablet. The students are able to handwrite their letters or PRINT them out. We will explain this in the academy.

I am unsure of how to build a positive credit history. Will you teach me how to build a positive credit history?

Absolutely! Building a positive credit history is just as important as removing negative items. We will show you how to do both. I Give my Top 3 Credit Builders to boost your scores in the next 30 days up to 100 Points.

How do I know what letters to send out?

All letters and templates are provided in this course. Every month you will receive a new set of letters.